Distribution of fine sediment from the watershed of the oued Isser at its mouth in the Mediterranean Sea (Boumerdès, Algeria)
The fluvial material of the oued Isser (Isser river) provided to the sea presents a high rate in fine particles originating from the watershed of the oued Isser. This material is rich in marl, limestone marl and shale formations, it is therefore not surprising that clays are abundant in the Bay of Zemmouri, since the oued Isser is the main vector of input conveying detrital sediments of the continental domain to the marine domain.
The granulometry of the lutitic fraction follows a gradual evolution from upstream ("La Traille" bridge) to the mouth with a N evolution index decreasing from sub-logarithmic to hyperbolic facies. Oued Isser presents a low sandy percentage (9.89% on average) hence a clay-silty facies. Clays consist essentially of kaolinite, in higher concentrations (48.1% on average), illite (22.13%), inter-stratified and other detrital sediments (18.33%) and chlorite (11.4%).
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5150/revue-paralia.2016.s02
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