Intertidal sedimentary dynamics in Mont-Saint-Michel bay, a study of its natural evolution and man-made modifications



Due to its exceptional tidal range and the immensity of its intertidal zones, Mont-Saint-Michel is a favored model for research on coastal hydro-sedimentary processes, present-day sedimentary dynamics and the reconstruction of coastal paleo-environments. The purpose of this article is to analyze the erosion/sedimentation processes which govern the sedimentary dynamics and the recent evolution of the characteristic sedimentary environments of the bay. The western bay head is made up of tidal sand and silt deposits, where the extent of the surface sediment reworking is less than 10 cm and linked to the nature of the substrate and the wind direction. Added to these tidal dynamics are the dynamics of the swell, which set coarse bioclastic sands in motion as the waves wash away the shore. These sands migrate on the tidal flat at rates of several dozen m/year and accumulate on the upper tidal flat, forming a relatively stable non-continuous coastal barrier of large shell banks. The eastern part of the bay is an estuarine zone, where the morpho-dynamics of the sandy tidal flat are constrained by shifting channels. Studies of the interaction between vegetation and sedimentation around Mont-Saint-Michel show sedimentary accretion rates varying from 0.2 to 10 cm/year, depending on the morpho-dynamic context of the salt marsh front. The volume of sediment deposited by the tide leads to cyclical deposition of calcareous muds followed by the steady advance of salt marshes at a rate of about 17 ha/year between La Chapelle Sainte-Anne and the Roche Torin point. The bay has filled for thousands of years to the rhythm of sea level oscillations, leading to the gradual infilling of the Dol marsh and the advance of the shoreline. In addition to this natural evolution, human activities have developed in the bay, both on the western tidal flat (fixed fisheries and shellfish farming) and on the eastern estuarine side (polder formation, construction of dikes and a dam) and have altered the landscapes, the historical evolution of which was reconstructed from old documents.


Intertidal hydro-sedimentary processes; Mont-Saint-Michel bay; Mega-tidal regime; Sedimentary dynamics; Modifications; Recent evolution.

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