The method of decomposition domain: application to the racking problem

Soumia MORDANE, Khalid ADNAOUI, Mohamed LOUKILI, Noureddine TOUNSI, Mohamed CHAGDALI


In this work, we present The method of decomposition domain to solve the Navier-Stokes equations. Two applications are presented to illustrate the advantages of the method: the first concerns the jet emitted from the bottom in an open channel and the second deals with the lateral racking problem. These two applications concern the problem of creating artificial circulation of the water masses in order to homogenize the physical parameters of the medium.

In applying the decomposition method, the field of studies is broken down into sub areas to take better account of the physical processes and the numerical methods suited to their applications. Two numerical methods are used, a finite difference near the wall and a particle method in high traffic areas. In the interfaces of sub-domains, using coupling conditions by the particle-mesh method.


Navier-Stokes; Particles method; Finite differences; Racking.

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_ISSN 1760-8716_

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