Innovative non-destructive technique for determining tension in ground anchors

Laurent MITAINE, Jean-Jacques RINCENT


In order to facilitate long-term maintenance of coastal and port infrastructures, this technique allows measuring and determining tension in ground anchors that support maritime and port retaining walls such as sheet piles or diaphragm walls. It applies both for final acceptance of works and for monitoring the residual tension in tendons during the life of the structure.

This technique has three benefits: (i) it is non-destructive, as opposed to usual extra-loading technique that destroys or damage 10% of the ground anchors. It uses patented mechanical impedance instrumentation, which is manipulated by only one operator. It does not need heavy equipment; (ii) it allows testing an important quantity of ground anchors in shorter time, when usual extra-loading technique needs more logistics and forces to work only through anchor sampling; (iii) it works even under water, requiring only one diver.

This technique then allows testing and checking all the ground anchors of a quay (or any other type of infrastructure using ground anchors), much faster than usual extra-loading technique and with excellent safety conditions.


Coastal and port infrastructure; Maritime works; Quays; Ground anchors; Nondestructive testing; Tensile force; Foundations; Sheet piles; Maintenance.

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RINCENT BTP SERVICES (2006). Method and device for determining the tensile stress exerted on a sealed element. Patent OMPI n° WO 2006/010830 A1, 2 February 2006.

DAVIS A.G., DUNN C.S., CEBTP (1974). From theory to field experience with the non-destructive vibration testing of piles. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Part 2, Vol. 57(4), pp 571-593. CrossRef



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